Monday, January 26, 2015

January 25, 2015 Sunday

Finger painting at the kitchen table



Displaying the pictures Grandpa and Scott made.  They went on to fill about 20 sheets of paper!

January 24, 2015 Saturday

Scott playing with an empty crate on his bed.

Scott playing on the ladder that folds four ways.

It's his personal jungle gym!

It's attached to the lawn swing so it won't tip over.

January 23, 2015 Friday

Sunrise.  Again.  Looking east.
The sunrises and sunsets are SO colorful here most of the time.

Sunrise, looking south.

Scott on the ladder.


Climbing down off the other end.

Scott with Dollar store treasures.

Scenery across the lake.  This is with telephoto.

Steven caulking above the windows.

A closer look at the artist at work!  :)

Scott curled up on the couch watching cartoons.

Looking down the hallway toward the bedroom from the kitchen.

View out the bedroom window.

The moon over the glow of the sunset.
Taken out the bedroom window while kneeling on the mattress.

Same picture with Scott jumping on the bed while I take pictures.  Ha ha ha!

January 22, 2015 Thursday

Looking north from our lawn swing.

Looking west from the yard by the camper door.

Looking south from the same spot.

Scott laying on the floor next to the couch.

We found a new laundry matt that's closer than where we used to go.

January 21, 2015 Wednesday

Looking west out my bedroom window.

Scott, wearing his robot costume and looking at a picture on the newspaper.
He had been playing with lego blocks.

Scott wrapped in a blanket eating a grilled cheese sandwich.

Frying potatoes on the woodstove.

Scott imitating Grandpa and writing 'stuff'.

Another trip to the spring to play in the warm water.

We rode bicycles to the spring today.  This is on the way home.

Riding down to the camper.  You can barely see it.

The moon and a star to it's lower left.

The camper with it's lights on, from outside in the yard.

January 20, 2015 Tuesday

Every time I think it's the most amazing sunrise, we
get one even more amazing.


Scott coloring.

Scott coloring.

Grandpa pulling Scott around in the wagon again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 19, 2015 Monday

I didn't take many pictures this day.  This one was on our daily bicycle ride,
six miles round trip to the highway and back. 

Scott playing a game on my Tablet.  He can open and play quite a variety of games, and click out of one and open a different game.  Pretty good for 4 years old.
But nowdays I think most young people are born knowing how to do this stuff!

Januray 18, 2015 Sunday

Scott was surrounded by two portable DVD players and my Tablet this morning.
Talk about multi-tasking!

We went to the spring this afternoon.

We had a few snacks before playing in the water, and Scott had fun running around.

Then he posed nicely on these rocks for me.
We rode bicycles from the campground to the spring.

Scott always starts off slow, even though the water is warm.

Before long he's down in the water.

Odie sits patiently in the shade under that young palm.

Where the water flows over the little berm it's like a back massage.

A telephoto shot of a dead tree trunk through some bushes.

Scott hooked a bungee cord on the wagon handle and pulled it around.

Then he talked Grandpa into pulling him around.
